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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Proffitt

Podcast: Leading Small Groups

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There are lots of different ways to build and lead healthy small groups. In this episode, Terry Feix reflects on lessons he’s learning in ministry and answers some common questions.

There are three main categories of small groups: life groups, discipleship groups, and leadership development groups. This podcast focused on Discipleship and Leadership groups. Here are some tips for leading great groups.

Discipleship Groups (Church and Small Groups):

  • Know who you’re looking for – people who share a desire to invest time and energy and be held accountable for studying and knowing God’s Word and applying it to their lives. Group involvement requires accountability for how often members are practicing the spiritual disciplines.

  • The vast majority of the time, these groups should study the Bible instead of books about the Bible.

  • Everyone should have a Study Bible. This eliminates “devotional” Bible reading and encourages a study of the Bible which engages both the brain and the heart.

Potential Outline:

  • 10-15 mins: Catch-up and follow-up on prayer requests

  • 30-40 mins: Passage discussion and study

  • 10 mins: Prayer over specific prayer requests

Recommendations for commentaries:

Recommendations for books:

Leadership Development Groups (Business and Corporation):

  • Focused on like-minded people developing leadership and relationship skills within an organization. Influence is key.

  • Curriculum involves business and leadership books.

  • Meetings can combine book discussion and performing case studies.

  • These groups within the context of the church are key to members developing leadership skills, furthering relationships, and growing in faith and evangelism within the workplace.

Recommended resources:

Brittany Proffitt lives in southern Ohio and holds a BA in Religion. She is passionate about Scripture and how God’s Word impacts individuals’ hearts and lives.


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