Two Years of So We Speak
I’m headed off to the mountains for a week. It was two years ago on this trip I felt God leading me to start So We Speak. I’ve grown to...
Two Years of So We Speak
Best Reads - May 4, 2020
Best Reads - April 20, 2020
Never Trump, Never Biden, Or Neither?
Moral Leadership in the Crisis
The Financial Side of the Crisis
Articles, Podcasts, and Livestreams for the Quarantine
Coronavirus Update: What Do We Know?
The Cabinet Carousel, Coronavirus Update, and Best Reads
Baptist Intramurals and Best Reads
What a Bernie Candidacy Might Look Like
Iowa, Biden in Trouble, Bernie Expels Pro-Lifers, and Trump's Best Week
The Impeachment Trial, Coronavirus, and Best Reads of the Week
The March for Life, New Impeachment News, and Stories to Follow
Gun Rights, Kind Of
And Now, Impeachment
Iran Aftermath, Impeachment Is Back On and Best Reads